Final Portfolio Cover Letter

This course will be graded using Portfolio Grading. This means that you will receive feedback (including a provisional grade) on each of your major written assignments (Species List entries, Essay 1, Proposal, & Final Project), and will have the opportunity to revise before submitting a final version of selected assignments at the end of the semester for reassessment.
Portfolio grading regards writing as a process, and by providing you the opportunity to receive and incorporate feedback, allows for a greater degree of flexibility, risk-taking, & creativity.

Cover Letter

Regardless of whether you choose to revise assignments, you must submit a 300-500 word Cover Letter reflecting on the process of revision (or intentional lack thereof). If you have chosen to revise assignments, you will include an additional list of revised assignments and changes made to these assignments based on the feedback received. These revised assignments will be re-assessed and their new grade will replace the original, unless the grade for the revision is lower than the original/provisional grade. Should you decide not to revise an assignment, the provisional grade will become the final assignment grade. 

If you have chosen not to revise any assignments, please submit a reflection on the semester more broadly, including your choice not to revise. What have you learned this semester? What feedback was most instructive? Which assignments, activities, or readings have most influenced your thinking and why?

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