Species List Project

Semester-long Species List project, inspired by Anna Tsing’s “This earth, this island Borneo” Throughout the semester, you will compile a list of 21 species (3 per week of the project) with which you regularly come into contact. The entries for 7 of these species should be accompanied by an image, a short (300-400 word) narrative …

Red-Winged Blackbird

Agelaius phoeniceus Adult male red-winged blackbird perched on a cattail. Image Credit: Connor Charchuk, Macaulay Library, 2019. ​The island I was born on is known for its large amount of songbirds. Located in the middle of Lake Erie, Kelleys Island is a stopping point for many songbirds as they migrate. One of the most common …

Mourning Dove

Zenaida macroura An adult mourning dove perched on a fence post. Image by Ryan Schain, Macaulay Library, 2014. The mourning dove is a small songbird found commonly in Midwestern backyards and natural open areas. Most people have heard this bird’s unique song, even if they are not familiar with the bird itself. The call is …

Common Milkweed

Asclepias syriaca Asclepias syriaca Seen on the sides of highways, open fields, and even gardens the common milkweed is most commonly known as a source of food and shelter for the monarchy butterfly. It is in fact known to provide for over 450 species of insects, butterflies included (Taylor). However, the species of monarch and …

American Toad, Anaxyrus Americanus

American Toads, though physically small, are magnificent creatures that play important roles in whichever ecosystems they occupy. They are responsible for making sure insect populations do not skyrocket, which farmers around the country routinely praise. Many researchers further believe their toxins contain answers to current pressing medical issues.  American Toads are between 50 millimeters to …

Pygmy Goat

Capra hircus "Pygmy Goat." (2018) Every few years, my family buys a few pygmy goats. These small creatures (about twenty inches tall on average) are commonly kept as pets, lawn maintenance specialists (they do eat a lot of grass), or as zoo attractions for young children due to their small size and easygoing disposition. A …

House centipede

Scutigera coleoptrata Sorry for even including a picture of this scary weirdo. Looking at him literally makes my skin crawl. [2] Pivoting now to a species that I hate, and have hated ever since I was a little kid - the house centipede. These things are so fast and so sensitive and have so many …

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